Friday, December 24, 2010

finally sun,, and christmas eve

Happy Holidays to all from everyone at cheapskate.
really been a dismal week, aside from the rain,

 I about chopped my finger off on tue,
got my leg stuck in a belt drive on wed, ripped a good chunk out of my left calf.

went to a company christmas party on thursday, Crashed the truck on the way home..

today, nothing can touch me


Scott said...

You weren't kidding about the blood, sweat and tears huh? Sorry about that. Just got back from a spin around the block. So much fun! I can't wait to go for a longer ride. Thanks again for doing such an awesome job! Merry Christmas.

Gorgeous Corpse Culture said...

Dam Man glad your alive after a shitty weak! Im bumbed i cant ride! Started tearing down my whole bike!

Toecutter said...

Lottery ticket time. Overall your a lucky man. Especially with the primary chain deal. Glad you made it out alive and intact

sean said...

hmm. pretty random, but i was surfing moto blogs and saw that you dudes are from DAPS. I am Sean from Sever Your Ties (depressing) but im pretty stocked about the bikes on here. Peace.
